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Organization For Kid’s Closet

Time-Saving Closet Organization: Involve Your Kids

Are you a parent that wants to organize your kid’s closet and clothes? Do you want to save time in the morning and night? Do you want to involve your child in picking their outfits easily?

How Can I Keep My Kid’s Clothes Organized?

When I organize my girls’ clothes, I do so with outfits, pajamas, socks, hats, and shoes. This task gives me a sense of direction when I’m doing their laundry. In more detail, I pick a top and bottom to make an outfit out of. I’ll fold the bottoms upside down over the flat of the hanger. The top will hang over the hanger like normal. Dresses get paired with leggings, tights, or alone using the same hide-away method. Jackets, sweaters, and unpaired cardigans hang alone. I only fold a bare minimum of items. These items are footy pajamas, set pajamas, and socks. I put these items in separate organization bins on the corresponding shelf. Hats are with these. I feel more organized and fulfilled!

How Does This Method Benefit Me?

This method has personally saved me so much time in the mornings. My child feels more involved. Because I organize my children’s clothes by age from oldest (bottom) to youngest (top), my oldest can choose and develop decision-making skills. I love hearing her express what she wants! The outfits are complete so you can guide your child to weather, event, or activity-appropriate attire. 

Is This REALLY That Easy?

YES! It IS that easy. Anyone can do it! The best part is, if you’re like me and dislike folding, this method involves little folding. You can hang as many items as you can! I will link alternative products from with a special link! I am also including items similar to what I use. You’ll notice less clutter, tidier closets, and motivation to include your kiddo! 

The Takeaway

You can keep up your responsibilities as a parent while involving your child, saving time, and staying organized. You only need a few things to get started. It can be a convenient trade-off to traditional folding. It also looks so NICE! 

Thank you, readers,



—Two-Tier Hanging Closets—

—You+ Kids Organization—


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